Friday, October 11, 2013

We have been busy learning the difference between tattling and reporting in K-2. Kindergarten classes read the book Don't Squeal Unless it's a Big Deal and learned that some problems are kid sized problems and can be handled by talking it out, listening to one another and brainstorming solutions, whereas other problems are adult size problems and you need to report them to an adult and ask for help. When you tell a grown-up about a kid-size problem it is called tattling and you are usually just trying to get someone in trouble. If there is danger involved then a problem becomes adult sized and you must report it immediately. If someone or something (like property) is getting hurt, it is ok to tell, or report. We played a game to help understand the difference between kid size problems and adult size problems in which the kids listended to scenarios and had to choose "kid size" or "adult size" and then explain what they should do. The kids finished up by coloring a take home sheet with tattle rules explained.

In first grade the children watched a video called When Telling Isn't Tattling. We discussed the difference between kid size and adult size problems as described above and played a scenario game in which they determined appropriate action for each problem.

In 2nd grade we again discussed kid-size and adult-size problems and we read A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue. The children always really enjoy this book. We learned the Tattle Rules and practiced descerning between tattling and reporting with an activity sheet. Have your child explain the tattle rules stated below!

Mrs. Lenz's 5th grade class  discussed the difference between tattling and reporting and we watched a video and played along with the actors as they played a game called Out of the Danger Zone. The children were introduced to the Rule of 3 which we will discuss further in coming weeks as we move into Abuse Prevention.
Next week we begin talking about personal safety and identifying trusted adults in our lives.


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